Jarvis Pizzeria: Second step in Implementing the Order Processing, Multi Instance Subprocess

In the post ‘First step in Implementing the Order Processing, Interface Definition‘ we introduced the Pizza Order process. In this blog we will implement the next part of the Order Preparation process. We will add the call out to the Pizza Preparation process from the multi instance subprocess.

The first thing we need to do is feed every instance of the subprocess with the details of one pizza. For the outcome of the subprocesses we also need a storage location.

As a recap, an order consists of customer details and a list of pizzas to be made:

The order outcome is a list of status outcomes for each pizza.

We had already defined the data objects (DO’s) for these BO’s. Now we are going to associate them with the subprocess. For this we open the properties of the subprocess. Associated the DO’s to the consume and result of the subprocess (as shown on the right side of the image below). Now also make sure that the subprocess instantiates sequentially.

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